Watch this video! It can change our life!! IT has changed mine and my family's!! (my fav free QR reader for Iphone and Android is RedLaser)


Have you ever wondered exactly what is this Paleo thing you hear about or Primal way of eating is? It's an amazingly healthy life style. In fact is the only way our ancestors ate. We didn't have Mcdonald's when our forefathers founded our nation. The Native Americans who were here before us didn't eat loafs of bread and pasta. Why should we? Picaso didn't eat a frozen microwave pizza when he was painting.

When people hear Primal or Paleo they instantly think of cavemen running around beating their chests (well at least the people I have come across when they ask about it). It's really about eating whole foods. Natural unmodified foods. Foods gathered the way they would be in nature and not in a factory. We do not buy convenience food, we do not buy frozen foods or boxed meal kits, or minute rice or kraft mac n cheese. GOD FORBID hamburger helper comes across my threshold, I shall make you eat it box and all before it ever gets cooked in my kitchen.

Many people will complain and make excuses saying things like, It's too expensive, I have too many mouths to feed, it's cheaper to buy hamburger helper. I don't have enough time to cook from scratch. HOLD THE PHONE YALL!! since when is your family's healthy less important than a few extra minutes or a few extra dollars but honestly those excuses are just that. In FACT since transitioning our family over to a Paleo way of life, OUR GROCERY BILL DROPPED!! We are much healthier, we have a much better delicious variety of foods, FRESH foods, no sluggish cloudy feeling that many get after eating such crap!! and There is extra money in the bank to do things with the family!

Example........ To feed a family of 4..

You would need two boxes MINIMUM of hamburger helper $4 total (if on sale)
You would need 2 lbs of ground beef to go in the mix and the cheap stuff would cost $8 approx. for those 2 pounds
If you feel like giving your family a vegetable with it then add a few extra dollars.
Some soda or juice Add another $2 or more dollars. I'm being very lenient on the amount because I'm sure it will cost more. So for one chemical filled, starch and fat filled meal for a family of 4 it would cost you approx. $16 or more.

Now Try my Paleo version:
A whole roaster chicken which often go on sale $3
A pound of Zucchini $1.40
A pound of Summer Squash $1.50
A tossed salad for 4 Approx $3
Water with lemons and lime to drink $1
A healthy salad dressing (I prefer avocado oil and vinegar but whatever you chose for sake of argument) for a family of 4 $1.25
My total Amazingly fresh, filling and healthy, chemical free, preservative free, terrible starch free meal costs only a whopping $8.15  That would be HALF of your sugar, starched and fat filled meal.  This mind you is exactly what I made for dinner tonight with my family.  However we did add some honeydew melon for a sweet ending and that cost me $1.25 because I only used half and that STILL brings me way under that convenience meal. I have enough money left over to make breakfast and have a snack for my family of 4.

There really is just zero excuse for not doing everything you can to try and eat healthy.  I personally have 3 freezers in my home. When a protein goes on sale, I BUY BULK! I'm talking I have been known to buy 40lbs of boneless skinless chicken breast when it goes on sale for $1.70 per pound. WHen roasting chickens go on sale for under $3 each I BUY !!! We eat well and healthy! we don't scrimp and save and coupon. We don't need to. Sure if you can get what you need cheaply go for it! But why compromise your family's health?   If you want pasta? I can give you an amazing inexpensive pasta recipe that WILL feed your family of 4 full!! and it will be cheap and healthy instead of those boxed alternatives. 

If you want some tips on how to convert your quick meals into healthy cost effective meals feel free to comment here or shoot me a message at www.facebook.com/ThePatrioticPeacock and I will go over and beyond to help you out! I'm a stay at home mom to a disabled toddler. when it comes to saving money, I have no other choice but I won't compromise what I feed my family. ~~mandy
Be sure to scan this QR code to watch a video about my business and how it has changed my life and the lives of so many others! Thank you! (my fav QR reader is FREE on both Iphone and Android called RedLaser)


Egg cups egg cups egg cups egg cups...how many times can you say that fast?? So before I start with this little diddy on how to make these, I must confess first. I never made them before tonight. I have seen them around here and there, people have talked about them yadda yadda but I never tried them. I'm once again suffering from insomnia and decided why not prep some food for the week! I had 2 dozen eggs, I was already making a frittata and I had some amazing bacon... WHY NOT? well shit they smelled so good that I couldn't wait to eat one. I BURNED MY LIP and tongue! So now I am sitting here nursing a blister on my mouth all in the name of bacon. Would I do it again? YES it's BACON!!!!!!!!!!  Anyhow this is the most easy, ridiculous thing you can make that is so grab and go it's insane. It ends all excuses for not having enough time to have a great protein packed breakfast. it would even make a great pre or post workout snack!. It's 3am here in Texas and I'm cooking, so If I can.........anyone can find 20 minutes to do this.

First off, I'm a lazy cook. I don't like messes and well I don't like trying to pry stuff out of pans or other cooking vessels. So here I used a cupcake liner (foil not paper) to make these.

All you need, ARE YOU READY for the crazy stupid easiness ???

1 dozen eggs
12 strips of bacon cut in half
a muffin tin
salt and pepper if you feel so inclined.


Preheat your oven to 425 degrees
Line your muffin tin with your foil cupcake liners.

Take one half of a strip of bacon and lay it down one side of the cup...across the bottom and up the other side........ Now take another half of a strip and do the same thing but on the side of the cupcake liner that doesn't have bacon covering it. it will make a little bacon cup inside the cupcake liner (YES you will double over the bottom of the cup but that's awesome right? TWO layers of bacon on bottom, hell yes please).

NOW for the hard part... Crack one each into each bacon filled cup!
Add some salt/pepper if you wish and bake! for 15-20 minutes! THAT'S IT!

however WARNING!! DO WAIT until it cools before you attempt to eat scolding HOT BACON!!!!!

Enjoy~ Mandy

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I love all things breakfast! I can eat breakfast for lunch and dinner everyday! Something about it is just hearty and comforting.  One of my favorite breakfast foods is a Frittata!! My daughter calls it egg pie ahaha! Little does she know, how good and nutritious it is for her and protein packed!! A Frittata is a great way to get a good meal that you can plan ahead. Make one the night before and simply reheat or just prep it the night before and pop in the oven the next day. I am personally a lazy morning cook. I do not like to get up in the morning and make anything so if I can do this in advance and make enough for a few mornings of breakfast that you can heat and go then AWESOME Woot that's another 15 minutes at least that I can sleep in before it's time to get up and go.  So for my version of an amazingly delish paleo frittata here you go! And remember all of you non-paleo foodies, simply sub out my paleo choices for your fav dairy and fat options.

8 eggs 
  • 1/4 cup  unsweetened coconut milk
  • 2 Tbsp  coconut oil
  • 4  garlic cloves, minced
  • 2 cups baby spinach
  • 1 sweet  onion
  • 1/2 cup  mushrooms
  • 2 Tbsp  Cilantro, chopped
  • 1 cup chopped protein whether it's bacon, ham etc you use your wildest imagination
  • Salt  and Pepper to taste

Preheat  oven to 425 degrees
whisk eggs and milk together

Heat a medium size skillet that is oven safe. I prefer cast iron. Add the coconut oil to the skillet so it can melt

Add Spinach, onions, mushrooms, cilantro and protein and sautee for about 5-6 minutes

when the veggies etc are tender simply pour the egg mixture into the skillet and set the heat on low, cook on low for about 8 minutes

Once it's been on the stovetop for 8 minutes, go ahead and place the skillet into the oven (this is why you want an oven proof skillet so nothing with a rubber handle etc), Cook the frittata for about 15 minutes in the oven at 425

Serve hot!


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I am guilty of being a ship jumper. I had an iphone since inception. However, I got bored with the technology. I wanted something a little more snazzy and gadgety. So I jumped ship to the Samsung Galaxy S3 back in January. LOVEDDDDDD the phone for a minute. Then came time to get my work out on and I realized MY MUSIC!!!!!! MY YEARS AND YEARS OF MUSIC!!! gone!! My playlists that had been delicately created based on the intensity of my work out and of course my daughter's playlist to let her listen in the car. 

The conundrum is that I can't figure out how to put music on my new phone without having to make accounts and buy it all over again. yeah NOT COOL android!! So I was stuck thinking what on earth am I going to do with this????? ALAS! Pandora! They have secret workout stations that have a continuous flow instead of a change in tempo it stays at the pace you want! Thank you sweet baby jesus in a manger! So without further adieu here I present the 12 super secret pump you up workout stations on Pandora!

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  • So converting our lives to a Paleo way of living has been amazing. We no longer have that sluggish feeling a person would have after eating too many carbs or something heavy like a pasta dish or bread. I am losing weight along with the help of My AMAZING tool, ACE!!! I can't get by without the energy it gives me due to our crazy schedule and I'm not one who would drink a cup of coffee each day. I don't drink caffeine at all except for the occasional Skinny Frappe I made! I digress, even living Paleo, sometimes you just want a treat! Something sinful or at least appears to be sinful! I love tapioca pudding. Of course I wouldn't eat it now but in my quest to find a delish sinful treat, along came CHIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT SWELLS like Tapioca would. The possibilities of this recipe are endless! ENDLESS. I am going to post a basic recipe. YOU decide what you want to add to it such as cocoa powder to make a chocolate version, Some lemon for a zing, perhaps raspberry for a sweeter delight. The world is yours!  Personally, I prefer, vanilla with coconut flakes and banana. So delish! I could eat a bucket of It!!

  • 2 cups Unsweetened coconut milk (you can use whatever unsweetened soy milk or almond milk if you wish).
  • ½ cup white chia seeds

  • 3 tbs of your fav sweetener. Whether you use stevia or honey, agave or maple syrup.

  • 2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • Directions:
    1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Stir well. (now this is where you would add all the other ingredients you want IN the pudding such as cocoa etc)
    2. Stir every 10 minutes or so until the chia seeds start to thicken. 
    3. When the chia seeds are floating around evenly, refrigerate for a few hours in your individual serving dishes, I personally chill over night
    4. Top with fresh fruit, coconut flakes even make a nice whipped cream using coconut milk!
    5. EAT

    Check out this amazing inspiration video here! Download your FREE QR Code reader today! My recommendation is REDLASER it's free and you can price shop with it!!

    Pumpkin Pancakes HOLLA!! Gluten free and paleo yes indeedy! my daughter is the worlds MOST picky eater. No joke, she can live on a single goldfish all day. I have been struggling to find things that she will eat that are great for her and this recipe really just hit it out of the park!

    I made her little bite size pancakes OR as she calls them, little tiny ninja turtle pizza shaped pancakes. Yes we are at the ninja turtle phase in our home. She is such a little tomboy but lord so prissy at the same time. Best of both world's I guess lol!

  • So here is my Paleo Gluten free Pancake recipe. To make the tiny bite size
    pancakes, I took the batter and poured it into one of these. You can find them at Target in the housewares section for around $2.50. They are amazing for so many things. We use a little food color at the holidays and make shapes with colors for pancakes!

    So for the ingredients in your  amazing gluten free paleo pumpkin pancakes you need the following.


  • 3/4 cup coconut flour

  • 1/4 cup almond meal

  •  1/2 cup coconut milk

  • 1/3 cup pumpkin puree

  • 2 eggs

  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil, melted or melted butter

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  • 2 tablespoons sucanat or pure cane sugar

  • 1 teaspoon baking powder

  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon

  • 1/2 teaspoon ginger

  • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

  • 1/4 teaspoon all spice

  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

  • 1/16 teaspoon cloves
  • OR you can cheat and use pumpkin pie spice lol!

    Next you want to:

    1. Combine all of the dry ingredients in a large bowl and stir until well

    2. In another bowl whisk the eggs, milk, pumpkin, and vanilla until

    3. Whisk in the melted coconut oil and pour into the dry ingredients.

    4. Stir until just combined.  Avoid over stirring. 

    5. Let sit 5 minutes.  The batter should be pourable but not
    1.  either pour it into a condiment bottle or simple ladle it onto a hot griddle. The griddle should be set to 350 degress with some melted coconut oil or butter on the griddle. I personally used a skillet on my stove so have your fire/temp set to medium.
    2. Put the batter on and when it starts to bubble through the top, then it's time to flip!! just a few minutes max each side depending on size. I made well over 100 of these little guys today! She loves them, they have amazing flavor and are perfect for the impending fall season coming.

    This can be you!! The question isn't WHY? it's WHY NOT? Just do it, try it don't miss out!

  • I personally have made these quite a few times over the years, sometimes I use ground beef, sometimes I make ground sausage. Easy to make in advance and just reheat if needed. A Scotch egg is a great high protein breakfast or even pre-workout snack!!

    Simple, cheap and VERY filling

  • 1lb Lean Ground Beef

  • 4 Eggs

  • Basil, other green seasonings

  • Salt and pepper for taste

  • Coconut oil for frying

  • Almond meal & egg for coating (optional)

  • For the scotch eggs:
    Preheat oven to 350F & heat coconut oil in frying
    pan (enough oil to for frying).
    1. Boil eggs (hardboiled eggs can take ~
    10-12 mins boiling) – shell and set aside.
    2. Mix minced beef with
    seasonings of choice (I used salt, pepper, garlic powder, red pepper flakes and
    finely ground basil).
    3. Take portions of this seasoned minced beef and
    flatten. Mold the meat onto the boiled egg so as to make a coating to to
    surround each – roll them in your hands to maintain the round & even meat
    coating on the eggs.
    **Optional (but will keep meat together better): coat
    each scotch egg with beaten egg & roll in almond flour / meal until evenly
    4. Place scotch eggs in heated coconut oil in frying pan – fry until
    golden brown.
    6. Remove from pan and place scotch eggs on baking tray and
    place in oven for ~ 10 – 12 mins

    ~~Yum~ Mandy

    Rock on lady friend!! get your healthy on!!
    ACE makes the world go round seriously try it, I'll even send you a free sample!

  • So there are 3 things you should know about me by now.
    1) I LOVE BACON!!
    2) I love ACE!
    3) I love CILANTRO

    so welcome the amazing chourico (or chorizo depending on region) meatballs!! It's gluten free, egg free and paleo friendly.

    It is so ridiculously easy that you kids can make it for you while you kick back and just what? Read my blog that's right, browse my FB page! check it all out, soak it all in!!

    Here is what you need.
  • 1 lb chorizo

  • 1/4 cup fresh cilantro, finely chopped

  • 1/4 cup onion, chopped

  • juice of 1/2 a lime

  • salt and pepper to taste
  • Preheat oven to 425.
    Grease muffin pan with coconut oil.
    Remove chorizo
    from casing if necessary (just cut a line down the middle to break casing and
    squeeze out).
    Combine all ingredients and mix together until well
    incorporated (don’t be afraid to use your hands!)
    Roll into 12 equal balls,
    placing one in each of the muffin holes.
    Bake for 15-18 minutes or until
    fully cooked through.

    THAT's ALL FOLKS!! Easy peasy lemon squeezy!!

    Instead of trying to get skinny, why not try to get healthy!! HEALTHY is far more sexy than skinny!!

    ok the magic word here is BACON!!! yes I am going to say that again BACON!!! all things taste better with bacon and bacon should be it's own food group AND (yes I know huge run on sentence) BACON MAKES THE WORLD a better place!! I love bacon........ Oink.. Pork me!

    What is the best thing about living Paleo?? I can eat bacon, I bet all of you skinny bitches living on grass are jealous aren't you!!

    So best juicy delish ground chicken recipe EVER!! Your kids will rave about it!


    Preheat outdoor grill or stove. In a large bowl, combine grated apple,
    celery, poultry seasoning, salt and pepper. Mix in honey, chicken, and cooked,
    crumbled bacon. Shape chicken mixture into 1/2-inch-thick sliders, using 1/8th
    pound of meat per slider. Grill over medium heat about 4 minutes per side, or
    until cooked through. Serve and enjoy!

    Freezing Directions:
    In a large bowl, combine grated apple, celery, poultry seasoning, salt and
    pepper. Mix in honey, chicken, and cooked, crumbled bacon. Shape chicken mixture
    into 1/2-inch-thick sliders, using 1/8th pound of meat per slider. Place in
    freezer bag separating each patty with parchment paper.  Seal the bag,
    removing as much air as possible, Label and freeze flat. To serve:
    Thaw. Grill over medium heat about 4 minutes per side, or until cooked

    Looking fantastic lady!! keep it up!! Be sure to join the movement and get your healthy on!! Order your ACE today
    OR keep an eye out on my fb page for deals and giveaways!

  • I am in love with all things paleo! and all things low/no carb, high protein and healthy!!  I stumbled across this recipe on one of my FAV sites, Epicurious!! and fell in love. I did a little tweaking so be sure to check for the original recipe. I found this to be an amazingly refreshing and hearty lunch!

  • 1/2 cup lump crab meat

  • 1/2 tbsp light mayonnaise

  • 1 tbsp fresh cilantro, chopped

  • 2 tsp red onion, diced finely

  • 1-2 tsp jalapeño, diced finely

  • 1 tsp lime zest

  • Juice from 1/2 a lime

  • Sea salt and freshly cracked pepper, to taste

  • Dash of cumin

  • 1 avocado, cut in half, pit removed

  • TO make it a much healthier option be sure to make your own "mayo" by using the avocado oil variation!

    And now the directions. It's really going to take just a minute. are you ready?

    Combine the lump crab meat, mayonnaise, cilantro, red onion, jalapeño,
    lime zest, lime juice, sea salt, freshly cracked pepper, and cumin together.
    Spoon the crab mixture into each avocado half and serve immediately.

    BAM done, like a boss! ~~Mandy